Spiritual Formation


Read Isaiah 6:1-8 & Luke 22:41-43

“Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” 

God can ask a lot of us. In fact, He’s asks for all of us.

When confronted with God’s majesty, power and love a struggle ensues.

A struggle of the flesh against what is holy. For Isaiah, when before God’s glory and his angels, he fell trembling in fear because he knew the depths of his sinfulness and that he had no right to be near a holy God. Yet, in God’s holiness he atoned Isaiah leaving him free of quilt so that when God asked him for his service he could not say no. The unconditional love that God offered Isaiah necessitated his surrender to God’s will for his life rather than his own. Christ encountered a similar struggle in the garden before the day of his arrest. As he wrestled in prayer, Jesus’ flesh feared, but his devotion to his Father’s perfect love overcame those fears until he could only say, “not my will, but yours be done.”

When we truly come to terms with our relationship with a holy, loving almighty God we too must struggle.

We too must be prepared to offer all or nothing because God expects nothing less. We are his and he is ours. In order to be made whole again, to be restored to our rightful home, to be light and salt while we walk this planet we must surrender all and be willing to say, “Send me! or not my will, but yours be done.”


Are there areas in your life that you are still holding back from God? Perhaps a bad habit, time, your job, finances, a calling he’s been asking of you or some sin you’ve yet to surrender into his care. Don’t be afraid to wrestle with God in prayer, to tremble before him in humility. Surrender your all and let him love and amaze you.