Spiritual Direction: Diving Deeper

Could Spiritual Direction Be Right for Me?

Spiritual direction is becoming more well known, and I think that’s a good thing. However, it’s not always clear what it is or why someone would engage in the practice. For a brief introduction on spiritual direction click here to learn more.

When people discover I am a spiritual director, and they’ve heard enough to be curious, I get a few questions. A common one is: How do I know if I should see a spiritual director? But another popular question is: Why would I want to do it?

I’m not here to convince you to find a spiritual director today, but I thought it might be helpful to see why some have chosen to engage in this practice. You may find yourself in one of these seasons and begin wondering if spiritual direction might be right for you.

15 Reasons You Might Give Spiritual Direction a Try

  1. My prayer life feels dry. We all go through seasons where our prayer life feels lacking, or challenging, or non-existent. The heart of spiritual direction is prayer. In direction one explores various forms of prayer together with the Holy Spirit. Having a companion hold space for you may be just the encouragement you need.

2. I desire deeper intimacy with the Lord. The spiritual journey was never meant to be traveled solo. God created us for community and mutual edification. Our spiritual growth is only deepened when we share it with others. A director is a fellow pilgrim who offers insights and observations to assist you in your desire for deeper intimacy with God through prayer, silence and wondering questions. Direction is a sacred place and time for you to commune with the Lord and learn how to walk in step with the Spirit.

3. I feel distant from the Lord. Just like our prayer life can feel dry, our relationship with God, if not tended, can become the same. Relationships require attention, nurture, care, and time. Direction is a time scheduled for just that–reconnecting with the Lord as friend, parent, lover, and creator.

4. I’m struggling with faith. Our faith journeys are never straight. We hit bumps, are hurt, sidelined, struggle, and face challenges that can feel overwhelming or discouraging. Sometimes we need to pause with a trusted companion to assess the situation and find our true North. Direction offers a safe, confidential space to explore hurts, struggles, frustrations and all the emotions that arise as we follow Jesus.

5. I’m in a season of discernment or decision-making. We make decisions every day but sometimes we are considering a job change, which university to attend, vocational calling, when to start a family, where to volunteer, how to deal with conflict, or considering a change or move. Spiritual directors are trained to companion others in discerning the movements of God in their lives. Sometimes having another person help navigate all the questions and emotions that arise decision-making can offer equanimity and rootedness to the process of seeking God’s heart in the matter.

6. I’m grieving a loss. Any loss is painful as it comes with a deep sense of loneliness. Though most people are well intentioned, we can feel like they just don’t understand. A director doesn’t pretend to understand, but is willing to sit with you in the ash and sadness and seek God’s tender care in the midst of one’s pain. They can provide a time and space for you to experience God’s solidarity with you in suffering.

7. I want to experience God’s presence in my life. Perhaps you’ve been a Christian for a long time and want to expand the ways you enjoy your relationship with God. Engaging in spiritual direction may introduce you to new ways to experience God that only enrich your already flourishing relationship by becoming more sensitive to the Spirit in your everyday life.

8. God feels distant. There are many reasons we feel God is distant from our lives. Perhaps you are angry with God, or you don’t sense he hears your prayers. It could be that you are tired of serving or feel alone and forgotten. Whatever causes the sense of distance, a director provides a safe, nonjudgemental space to compassionately listen and be with a directee as they wrestle with God when he feels far away.

9. I want to know more about contemplation. Do you notice a growing curiosity for spiritual practices, a longing for stillness and contemplation, but aren’t sure where to start? Direction is a perfect place to explore and wonder. It’s an opportunity to try silence, contemplative prayer, and grow in one’s capacity to be still and know God.

10. I am wondering about becoming a spiritual director. Have you found yourself thinking this ministry may be your calling? Part of the discernment toward spiritual direction is meeting with a director monthly. If you find yourself interested, the best way to learn is to by experiencing the practice first hand.

11. I’m experiencing burnout in ministry or work. Being a minister for many years, I have experienced the magnitude of burnout in fellow ministers. Our culture also perpetuates production as a means of success and identity so it’s no wonder our society burns out fast. If you sense burnout on your horizon or are barely staying afloat, spiritual direction is a safe harbor to come, rest, and drink from the living water of Jesus and let him attend to the needs of your soul, mind, body and heart. Jesus never intends us to give until we run dry.

12. I’m in a season of transition or change. Life grief, transition holds loss and change that can sometimes be overwhelming and confusing. Direction is a place to process with the Holy Spirit and notice where we can give thanks, hand our concerns to Jesus, and experience God’s sufficiency in whatever change is before us.

13. I sense a need for inner soul work and deeper sense of identity in Christ. There are many seasons in life where we wonder who we are or what our purpose is in the world. God is always inviting us to know our truest identity through Christ with the Holy Spirit as our guide, but it can be hard to start that journey alone. A director is like a nature guide who can walk alongside you on the trail to the places God is wanting you to discover and experience him within who he’s created you to be. It may involve deep inner work, but you would not be going alone, your director has traveled that path.

14. I want to be a better servant and lover of souls. Spiritual direction is concerned with tending to your soul, but not for self improvement. Spiritual direction is about attending to your relationship with God~growing in graftedness with the Trinity. When we grow more into the likeness of Christ, we become his hands and feet in the world. Christ is our soul companion who nourishes us by prayer and fuels our compassion for our neighbor. This cultivated and loving relationship always leads outward into the world. It opens our eyes and heart to what and who God cares for and loves so that we may partner with him.

15. Spiritual direction seems like shady-business. I’ll be honest, when I first heard about spiritual direction this was partially my response. I wondered: was there some mysterious hocus-pocus going on? However, the more I read and learned about this practice, the more I found it deeply rooted in our Christian tradition and not only that, I found it to be a profoundly Jesus-like way to companion others on the spiritual path. When we know it is rooted in prayer, discipleship, and pastoral care we can safely enter into direction expecting to draw near to God and have him draw near to us. If you don’t believe me, try it for yourself.

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