Guest pilgrims sharing their story Ordinary is Extraordinary

A Trip to the Thrift Store

by Heather P., a dear friend, fellow pilgrim, an amazing ordinary person.

We want to be extraordinary. However, if we are not connected with the pulse of God and living presently in our ordinary lives then we will miss out on moments when God wants to do something truly extraordinary in our normal activities. Here is one story from a friend who simply wanted to go shopping in order to take a break from her ordinary life. She found herself loving her neighbor in an extraordinary situation and getting to see God do a loving work of grace.

The last few weeks of my life have been so busy. I feel like I haven’t had a minute to myself. So the other day I walked into a thrift store with the goal of taking just five minutes to chill. 

As I walked around I noticed a man working in the store with a new age pyramid type hat on his head.

As I walked around perusing the racks, I felt such a pull toward this man but was doing my best to ignore it. I was telling God, “No, this is my time, I don’t want to go talk to that man, yet I still felt the pushing of the Holy Spirit to go talk to him. 

So I said to God, “If you want me to talk to him you have to tell me something about his life.”

I heard the Lord say that he was severely abused as a child and that he was dealing with mental torment at night. In my mind, I said, “Oh man, now I have to go and talk to him.”

I walked up to the guy and introduced myself. He told me his name and I told him that God had shared some things with me about him and would it be okay if I shared? He responded, “Yes, absolutely!” 

I went on to share what God had told me about his life and he agreed with my message saying, “Yes, that’s my life.” 

So I asked if I could pray for him and put my hands on him and he agreed. 

In the middle of an Arc thrift store, I began praying for this man. After I prayed for him the Holy Spirit started speaking to me about who God called this man to be, so I began to prophesy over him. 

The man was so open and so hungry. He received every word I said and as I spoke I heard the Holy Spirit say, “He wants more!”

I then asked him if he wanted to receive Jesus into his life and he said, “YES!” I asked if he wanted to do that right now? And again he said, “YES!”

So I said ok! Repeat after me!

I led him in a prayer asking Jesus into his life and he followed my words like a 5-year-old with no hesitation. He wanted freedom. He was so ready and hungry for the love of God! The kingdom of God belongs to little children. 

After we prayed this man said, “No one has ever talked to me like this, this is amazing, you’re amazing!!” He was beeming. 

He told me he had been an energy healer for years, but now he will know the one that truly heals! I connected him to my good friend who does inner healing and deliverance and I believe his life will never be the same. 

I don’t share this because of anything I did or said. I share it because of Jesus. People are so hungry for the love of God. This man didn’t come to Jesus because I told him what an evil new age person he was, he came because I told him how loved he was and that God had a marvelous plan for his life and that God could set him free from abuse and mental torment. He experienced the Love of God! 

Jesus wants to touch his children and he wants to use us. 

Let Jesus show you the hungry people around you today and you never know what might happen! 

Do you have a story of God’s movement in your ordinary life? How are you loving your neighbor? We’d love to hear your story.

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