Learn by Paradox

In the Midst of Life we are in Death

Birthing pains. The agonizing pains a woman endures as the life inside desires to purge herself from her amniotic cocoon that’s been her incubator. Pain indicates the fullness of time. Time to exit a space no longer hospitable to life.  Dying pains. Remarkably they mirror birthing pains; reluctance, fear of the unknown, purgation, and fragility. The guarantee of human existence is that we enter and leave in much the same way–– through birthing pains. Birth…

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Discernment Living as a wanderer Spiritual Formation

World on Fire

What is Easter living when we feel like mourning rather than rejoicing? The world may feel as though it’s falling apart and doesn’t makes much sense, but we are not abandoned. We may still cry out, “God be praised!”

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