As we wander in transition

Rising Anew

Making all things new The time to leave China arrived. As a person of imagery, the only picture in my spirit was darkness. A girl standing on a path unlit and shadowed. Where did the light unto my path go? Where do I go?  I thought I’d be in China for years to come, but God’s holy flame that guided my calling and life began moving. Like the Israelites, who followed the cloud by day…

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The Pilgrim Life

Intentional Wanderer

Like the prelude to each book of the Bible I must give grounds to who I am; a glimpse into my purpose.  I find it difficult to describe myself. Mainly because I dislike the way in which we categorize people, label them into groups, subsection them off and compartmentalize our lives. We are more than what we do, where we’ve been, how high we scored on the SAT, what university we attended or didn’t and…

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