Learn by Paradox

In the Midst of Life we are in Death

Birthing pains. The agonizing pains a woman endures as the life inside desires to purge herself from her amniotic cocoon that’s been her incubator. Pain indicates the fullness of time. Time to exit a space no longer hospitable to life.  Dying pains. Remarkably they mirror birthing pains; reluctance, fear of the unknown, purgation, and fragility. The guarantee of human existence is that we enter and leave in much the same way–– through birthing pains. Birth…

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About Me

Elizabeth M. Forshee

My Story Along the Wandering Way birthed out of a season of transition. My family and I were serving overseas when the Lord began moving his cloud. We followed his leading to Grand Rapids, Michigan in 2016. Moving from the field challenged my identity, purpose and belonging in new ways. For the first time I felt my future to be filled with darkness. Through books on transition, pilgrimage, and prayer I slowly moved forward. The…

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Liturgical Rhythms & Seasons Spiritual Formation

Eucharist: An Invisible Grace

God’s revelatory nature is through matter, the pinnacle revelation is through that of the Incarnation. This pattern of God using matter to reveal himself in ways in which humans may once again perceive Him explains why our sacraments are celebrated and practiced as embodied forms. The visible signs and liturgy help us understand and receive God’s promises so that we may be formed by the invisible grace gifted through them.  Nonetheless, the concept of invisible…

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Liturgical Rhythms & Seasons Spiritual Formation

Celebrating the Eucharist

An Introduction According to the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA), the catechesis defines a sacrament as an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.1 I wrote the following blog series as part of my liturgy and sacraments class. I wrote it with the intent of sharing it with you because of the beautiful formation we experience as we join as the body of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist. You…

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Advent & Christmas-tide Liturgical Rhythms & Seasons Seasonal Devotions

Advent Series: Peace

The Fourth Week of Advent: Preparing to WAIT WITH CONFIDENT ASSURANCE How do we not grow anxious about the brokenness we experience in our everyday life and in the world? I confess it’s been a challenging few years watching friends struggle with cancer, wrestling in prayer for leaders who desire power over humility, grieving the loss of loved ones and more. Sometimes the weight of suffering, pain, and injustice feels overwhelming. Each Advent I find…

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