Liturgical Rhythms & Seasons Spiritual Formation

Eucharist: An Invisible Grace

God’s revelatory nature is through matter, the pinnacle revelation is through that of the Incarnation. This pattern of God using matter to reveal himself in ways in which humans may once again perceive Him explains why our sacraments are celebrated and practiced as embodied forms. The visible signs and liturgy help us understand and receive God’s promises so that we may be formed by the invisible grace gifted through them.  Nonetheless, the concept of invisible…

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Liturgical Rhythms & Seasons Spiritual Formation

Eucharist: A Visible Sign

The visible sign is bread and wine, which Christ commands us to receive. To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism How are we to perceive the presence of God in the world? We see throughout the Bible from the time of creation to Christ’s living among humanity that God communicates through the material. More specifically through the use of signs and symbols. It is through signs, symbols that our rites and sacraments become animated by…

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Liturgical Rhythms & Seasons Spiritual Formation

Celebrating the Eucharist

An Introduction According to the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA), the catechesis defines a sacrament as an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.1 I wrote the following blog series as part of my liturgy and sacraments class. I wrote it with the intent of sharing it with you because of the beautiful formation we experience as we join as the body of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist. You…

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Spiritual Direction: Diving Deeper

Could Spiritual Direction Be Right for Me?

Spiritual direction is becoming more well known, and I think that’s a good thing. However, it’s not always clear what it is or why someone would engage in the practice. For a brief introduction on spiritual direction click here to learn more. When people discover I am a spiritual director, and they’ve heard enough to be curious, I get a few questions. A common one is: How do I know if I should see a…

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Prayer Life Spiritual Formation

Writing a Rule of Life

I want to share this new opportunity with you being offered by Global Trellis. I’ve written a 12-part series on writing a personal Rule of Life. Each week Global Trellis posts weekly devotionals to assist you in prayer and reflection on various aspects of life all leading up to creating your personal Rule of Life. To learn more about what a Rule of Life is, how to start the process, and get the necessary tools…

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