Spiritual Formation


Read Isaiah 6:1-8 & Luke 22:41-43 “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”  God can ask a lot of us. In fact, He’s asks for all of us. When confronted with God’s majesty, power and love a struggle ensues. A struggle of the flesh against what is holy. For Isaiah, when before God’s glory and his angels, he fell trembling in fear because he…

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Spiritual Formation Waiting

Waiting on a God who never gets weary

READ Isaiah 40 To a God who never tires. My prayer. I am weary and tired. I am worn and weak. Yet you remind me of your greatness and my insignificance. You remind me rest can only be found in you—only by waiting in you Lord. I confess in this time I wonder why you haven’t returned. Why our world isn’t being demolished. You may be broken-hearted, yet you cease to grow weary. The nations are a…

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