Discernment Reflections & Ponderings Spiritual Formation Waiting

Rest: Lessons from a Tree of Life

Living out of a Bust Cycle “We are a do-it-yourself culture…with a constant compulsion for workaholism, and seeing our activity being what proves we have value, meaning and purpose in the world […] We live in a culture that has reversed the biblical order of being and doing. They are related, but we have to get the order straight. Our doing flows out of our being. Our relationship with God, not our doing, is the…

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Learn by Paradox The Pilgrim Life Waiting

Life on Hold

The repercussions of COVID-19 are spreading wider than we anticipated. We suddenly find ourselves at home quarantined with life on hold. What do we do when all our plans are thrown out the window with seemingly no way to consider what the future may hold?

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Devotionals Prayer Life Spiritual Formation

Centering Our Souls During Social Distancing

Our state officially went on lockdown, a.k.a “Stay at Home, Stay Safe,” Monday. Though I continue to write about discernment, I thought it’d be nice to pause and practice discerning prayer in an unsettling time. I’ve put together an outline for a prayer practice, you may use it as you like. With a mandate to social distance and live a more isolated lifestyle, we are all feeling disoriented as to how to use our time.…

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The Pilgrim Life Waiting

Mind the Gap

Devotionals Lent & Eastertide Seasonal Devotions

Tear Apart your Heart: A Lenten Reflection