This is the song my family plays as we turn into our neighborhood after a long journey. We’ve come to the end of our travels and rock our way into the final stretch. It’s motivating, exciting, and can be played really loud in the car. It’s the best bookmark to any great adventure.
In Michigan we had a long, gray and depressingly cold winter. I’ll take birds chirping at 5 a.m. any day after feeling frozen for almost six months. Our spring is colorful, fragrant, and lively with deer devouring the landscaping and birds fluttering too and fro as they build nests and find worms, but we are all biting at the chomp in wait of summer break! Like most Americans, we are eager to finish school and begin living outside among the green grass and blue skies by taking family vacations, camping trips, and excursions only afforded during summer.
I Invite You to Share Your Adventures
As we all countdown to summer break, I’d like to invite you to share your summer adventures. Here are some suggestions:
- Send me a photo. It could be a place you visit, friends you see, a funny shaped rock, animal, winding path, or something unique you discover along the way. Share what made that moment or sight meaningful to you.
- Write a poem. Perhaps you will find some summer inspiration that moves you to poetry. I’d love to share your creativity.
- A funny story. I feel most trips have a funny story or random incident. Let’s laugh together over the funny happenings of life.
- Artwork. If so inspired by your adventures to draw, paint or create, share it with us and tell us what moved you.
- A song. Did a song stick with you throughout your journey? Share how it spoke to you on your trip or while you spent the summer at home?
- A lesson learned. Summer is a good time for reflection and needed rest. We often have more time to read, journal, and consider how to learn and grow. Perhaps you’d like to share your lesson with us.
- Devotional. Did something you read in God’s word speak to you? It may likely encourage us too, so please share.
- Encouraging story. Maybe you met someone special along your summer path, or something touched your heart that you’d be willing to share. The possibilities of what you uncover along your path are endless…
As pilgrims who journey through life with purpose, taking notice of your summer nuances is a great way to practice attending. So, please share your summer moments in which you stop to smell the roses or plunge into a new adventure! Don’t let my list limit you. I hope you will be courageous and share within this community, send your clippings along the way. I’ll be waiting!
To begin the submission process please complete this form and I will be in touch. Otherwise, you can contact me via my e-mail located at the bottom of the website.

Photo: Michigan’s Upper Peninsula