Prayer Life Spiritual Formation

Shhh…Let’s practice Silence

Week 2: Making space for silence in your life For the first few weeks back in the United States after living in China, I’d lay awake with my eyes wide open unable to settle. When the morning came I’d struggle to rustle out of bed. You may be thinking it must have been jet lag, or because I didn’t sleep till late. Truth be told, it was just too quiet. Too still.  The night sounds…

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Prayer Life The Pilgrim Life

Is it possible to live a life of prayer in our crazy, busy, noisy lives?

On the brink of entering the Promised Land after forty years of wandering, God commanded Joshua and the twelve tribes of Israel to collect stones from the Jordan River and to stack them as a reminder for future generations of where they had been and of God’s constant and present provision. I’d like to believe looking back at those old markers kept the Israelites grounded, reminded them of what was true when they were faltering…

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Reflections & Ponderings Spiritual Formation

Culture Shift through Mindfulness of Others

Creating a culture shift is like moving a boulder by hand–nearly impossible. Though Jesus’ teachings were subtle, they were poignantly a force of nature changing culture toward the inclusiveness of all peoples to attain salvation. Re-Read Matthew 15: 21-28 Remember the passage of the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15. The one who cried out before God on behalf of her daughter. Not only does it reveal how God guides us in prayer toward his intentionality,…

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Devotionals Prayer Life

Jesus’ lesson in prayer

Read Matthew 15: 21-28 In Matthew 15 we have a Canaanite woman: a Gentile, unclean, unworthy of any Israelite. Despite her shameful status and out of the desperation of a mother’s cry for her daughters’ life, she pleads for help. She has an inkling of hope from likely observing or hearing about previous healings. In this short engagement, four things unfold.  She cries out. “Have mercy on me!” Christ ignores her. The disciples mock her…

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Prayer Life

I’m Scared of Prayer

Prayer Series: Part 1 There are numerous books and sermons on prayer. I’ve read and heard a few. The Bible encourages us to pray; some may say commands. Yet I find so few who pray; myself included. It is not that I never pray, but I am definitely not praying without ceasing. I don’t spend hours in prayer and some days I go completely without praying. If I am honest, my excuses are long: no…

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