Learn by Paradox The Pilgrim Life Waiting

Life on Hold

The repercussions of COVID-19 are spreading wider than we anticipated. We suddenly find ourselves at home quarantined with life on hold. What do we do when all our plans are thrown out the window with seemingly no way to consider what the future may hold?

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Devotionals Prayer Life Spiritual Formation

Centering Our Souls During Social Distancing

Our state officially went on lockdown, a.k.a “Stay at Home, Stay Safe,” Monday. Though I continue to write about discernment, I thought it’d be nice to pause and practice discerning prayer in an unsettling time. I’ve put together an outline for a prayer practice, you may use it as you like. With a mandate to social distance and live a more isolated lifestyle, we are all feeling disoriented as to how to use our time.…

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Discernment Seasonal Devotions

Garden Variety Discernment

Next week starts Lent with Ash Wednesday, a season of rending our hearts to God’s. It is a perfect time to consider Christ’s discernment on the way to the cross and the importance of prayer.

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Reflections & Ponderings The Pilgrim Life

Hope is Never Lost

Two days till Christmas. I hear murmurings that this season of Advent leading up to Christmas just doesn’t feel as jolly or within the norm of holiday tidings of the past. I’ve pondered over why that might be because if I am honest, I am a bit in a lull of “getting into the spirit of Christmas” this season as well. Some have said that due to such a late Thanksgiving the plunge into preparing…

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What's up with Church?

Step Away From the Church