What's up with Church?

Join Me at the Table

Part 9: Final Conclusions, Disillusionment with Church For the Church to embody being a living organism of God’s presence in the world, we must know and embrace our power in order to emanate it. As cliche as it may seem, Peter Parker a.k.a. Spiderman got the best advice. “With great power, comes great responsibility.” The Church has great power, therefore great potential and we mustn’t squander it. Facing a New Day and Age Living in…

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What's up with Church?

I Can’t Blame the Church

Part 8 In wading through my disillusionment with the church, I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t play a victim, I can’t go around picking out what is wrong or saying one church is better than the next. If I truly am what church is made of, then the solution therein lies with me (and you). We are ground zero. We, the church, in order to awaken to our glory, must present our truest…

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What's up with Church?

What’s in your Church Compartment?

Part 2: Disillusionment with Church Oh no. I can guess what you are thinking. “Here she goes. Another woman on a mission for women’s rights in the church.” Well, rest assured, that is not the story I have to tell. I am not a feminist. I am not a “Christian feminist,” (a term I’ve recently learned while acclimating back to American life; a merely western term), and that’s not because I don’t care, I do…

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