Are you still looking for a way to prayerfully enter Advent this season?
Check out these great new offerings.
I love being able to offer Advent practices to help you lean into the precious season of Advent. This year I am providing another “Words of Advent” practice in conjunction with “Praying in Color” materials. But, what I am most excited to share with you is a new Advent experience I’ve been working hard on in partnership with Global Trellis. See more details at the end.
The four weeks leading up to Christmas are the liturgical season of Advent. What I love the most about this time of year is the space it offers us to slow down and realign our hearts with God’s desire to make all things new. It is so needed in a commercial season filled with busyness, parties, end of year work, and shopping. I find this especially important when I look out into our world and see devastation, chaos, and division.
Advent is like the New Year’s Day of the Christian calendar. It is the start of the liturgical cycle, a time to refocus on who matters, and who can turn our world upside down and give life. If you’d like to learn more about Advent, you can start with this blogpost: Advent: What are we to prepare for?, or search the various Advent posts I’ve written at the bottom of the site. In the meantime, here are some ways to slow down and be present with the One who loves you and desires to bring you peace, hope, love and joy!
Words of Advent: Free Download
This is a free download I offer for daily prayer with a word that holds meaning in and around the Advent season. It is meant to help hold intention around a theme that draws us into the person of Christ as we prepare to make room in our hearts so that we can respond to God’s will and love in us and for others. I hope you enjoy.
Download a Printable Calendar from Praying in Color

Click HERE to for downloadable Advent coloring calendars to use with your Words of Advent prayer practice.

This year I am collaborating with Global Trellis in providing an Advent series called Statio:A Holy Pause in Advent. Statio uses art and Lectio Divina readings in a prayer journey much like the Stations of the Cross. I created a prayer guide with images and meditations for each week in Advent. Visit the Global Trellis website each week on Tuesday for audio Lectio Divina readings to accompany this prayer guide. In addition, my teammate, Lori Ferrel and I will be offering two different times for a mini-online retreat in Advent. Click on the image above for a listing of the Advent offerings through Global Trellis. I hope you see you there!
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