Prayer Life

Defining the Prayer Relationship

Reflection after spending time cultivating a life of prayer.


Time for a DTR (Defining the Relationship)

We’ve all been in relationships where we need a specialized moment to define the intentions or establish guidelines. Though a bit comical, I hope this prayer journey has been like a DTR with God. A time for God to define who you are through His eyes; space for Him to establish His rule in your heart, and give you clear guidelines for His intentions in your life. 

On a personal note…

I hope a new life-giving habit formed in your wild-day routine, and I hope you learned that no matter if your kids get gum stuck in their hair while you’re in the middle of grocery shopping or you’re stuck in traffic and late for work that there is always space for prayer, silence, solitude. I hope there is at least one spiritual practice you can continue.

I hope you’ve heard from the Lord and can continue to draw near to Him. While you make time to Be still with God, I hope you continue to hear His voice and will. Remember throughout the Bible that when God revealed His will it often came in moments of ordinary life, quiet places of solitude and in stillness. The big signs, miracles, and wonders may encourage our faith, but sometimes God wants to speak in the whisper. 

So when it’s all said and done, can we really live a life of prayer in our crazy, busy, noisy lives?

My life is filled with distractions. I make plans that often get derailed. I hope for good days and get bomb-shelled by a leaking hot water heater. I can’t close a door without a child close behind wondering what I am doing. But as I committed to exercising my spiritual prayer life with clear practices, I found ways to get rid of excess, push out distracting noises, and still myself with the One I love. I believe if we really want to live a life of prayer we can make time and space in the midst of our whirl-wind days. 

But how do we pray without ceasing? 

We, the Body of Christ, are collectively in prayer throughout our 24-hour days, across time zones and country borders as a concerted group of Jesus followers. The prayer line is open and running without ceasing as the saints across time and space enter into prayer. We are not alone. We forget the power of our unity in prayer. We as individual souls struggle to pray without ceasing, but prayer is communal in nature, not a solo mission. Prayer, silence, and solitude are not insular, rather a spiritual collaboration. When we go to these spaces we join harmonious voices of brothers and sisters in praise, confession, and unified, unceasing prayer; a glimpse of the Kingdom of God here on earth. 

Will you stack stones with me? 

Remember those Israelites who stacked stones as a remembrance of crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land? It’s time for us to stack our stones. Spend time journaling, drawing or singing what God defined for you during this prayer journey. Create a memorial to serve as a reminder of God’s faithfulness as well as motivation for you to continue living a life of prayer. 

Here are some suggestions to consider: 

  1.  How did the Breath Prayer help you? Which prayer did you pray and what did it mean to you? How did it encourage you throughout your day? Continue this prayer or different ones at different seasons in your journey. 
  2. What practices helped you to find stillness? Did God speak to you? Do you need to get rid of some bad habits in your life? Which ones? What healthy habits would you like to start? Have you considered a prayer app?
  3. Describe your solitude experience? What sins did you need to deal with? Will you need accountability? Did God reveal himself to you in some way? Give you a new calling? Ask you do respond to Him in some way? Schedule the next time you’d like to make space for solitude. 
  4. If there were specific scriptures that God used, write them down or memorize them.  Did God give you any promises?
  5. What areas of compassion did God encourage you towards? Is He asking you to reach out to anyone who needs to know God’s love? What steps do you need to take? 
  6. What did you learn about prayer, yourself or God? How have you been changed? 

Don’t forget to share with the community what you learned through this season of prayer: