Devotionals Spiritual Formation

Being a Safe Harbor: How Churches Can Be a Space of Wholeness & Healing

Free supplemental resources from the MC2 Conference, 2025 by Elizabeth Forshee Missional Vision of Shalom in Ephesians: Identity, Belonging, and Purpose Download the Ephesians Bible Study Below Spiritual Practices that Cultivate Safe Harbor People Explore more ways to cultivate the 6 Spiritual practices that help us become safe harbor people. Ask Curious Questions Download this list of open-ended, curious questions to help you listen with love to your missionaries when they return stateside. PRAYER OF…

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Advent & Christmas-tide Devotionals Prayer Life Seasonal Devotions

Expectant Living in Advent

Spiritual Direction: Diving Deeper Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Direction FAQs

Following My Curiosity In the midst of my overseas transition back to America, I’d picked up a few books on loss and grieving. One in particular continually referenced a spiritual director. I remember grabbing a sticky note and writing down ‘spiritual direction’ with a big question mark. I wanted to know who this mystery person was and what it was they did. It was in the questioning that my journey toward becoming a spiritual director…

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Liturgical Rhythms & Seasons Spiritual Formation

Eucharist: Becoming the “Real Presence”

I should receive the sacraments by faith in Christ, with repentance and thanksgiving. Faith in Christ is necessary to receive the grace of the sacraments, and obedience to Christ is necessary for the benefits of the sacraments to bear fruit in my life. To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism We look again at Anglican theologian Richard Hooker for the Anglican perspective concerning the means to experience the “real presence” of Christ in the Eucharist.…

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Liturgical Rhythms & Seasons Spiritual Formation

Eucharist: The Form that Forms Us

As my body is nourished by the bread and the wine, my soul is strengthened by the Body and Blood of Christ. I receive God’s forgiveness, and I am renewed in the love and unity of the Body of Christ, the Church. I should continue to grow in holiness, avoiding sin, showing love and forgiveness to all, and serving others in gratitude. To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism As Anglicans, we do not merely…

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