Reflections & Ponderings Spiritual Formation

To Forgive or Not to Forgive?

PART 1 Saying, “I’m Sorry,” in China was a tricky business. To apologize meant incriminating yourself to some wrong putting you at fault. The word ‘sin’ means criminal. To apologize labeled you as a criminal by your own words. For example, if a car hits a person biking on the road, keep in mind the traffic is mostly standstill pace, the driver would never apologize. To show a glimpse of remorse would impose this driver…

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Reflections & Ponderings Spiritual Formation The Pilgrim Life

Beautiful Mess

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end[…]I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him. Ecclesiastes 3:11 & 14 Thailand’s night markets teem with tourists from around the globe all in search…

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Spiritual Formation The Pilgrim Life

Be My Neighbor: Lessons From Mr. Rogers and Jesus

Sometimes the lessons we learn as a child don’t begin to make sense until we experience more of life and mature. Today’s blog unfolded in that way for me, so bear with me in what might seem like a tangent.   Our church recently asked us to help encourage an effort to reach out to our surrounding community. However, in the back of my mind, I kept thinking, “How can we go into the community…

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Devotionals Lent & Eastertide Seasonal Devotions

Tear Apart your Heart: A Lenten Reflection

Devotionals Ordinary is Extraordinary Spiritual Formation The Pilgrim Life

Moving in Ordinary Ways

Our ordinariness is, in fact, extraordinary. (click for the previous story)  When we view ourselves as magnificently created beings, we realize our greatness comes from our maker and the one whom we choose to follow. We are not great alone, but in our connectedness, first with God and then each other, we can live with extraordinary purpose. To reach our potential, purpose, and fulfilled-ness we must find our way back to the path in which we…

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