Seasonal Devotions The Pilgrim Life

Being Thankful: More than a Feeling

Being thankful doesn’t come natural to me, but a thankful spirit heals the soul so I’m trying to learn to be thankful. Can you relate? This season we are told to be thankful, so if you struggle to do so, maybe this article will help you…

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Learn by Paradox Seasonal Devotions

Gratefulness in the Wilderness

Can God set a table in the wilderness? Psalm 78:19 Autumn is my favorite season. Those who come to my house know that during this season my table is set and my home decorated with orange, yellow, gourds, corn, leaves, and turkeys. Though it appears I overdo it, or as my husband calls it, “crazy,” the truth is the idea of a season vibrant with colors that pierce the eye (at least in Michigan) is,…

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Spiritual Formation The Pilgrim Life

Faith that Heals

Faith is a journey. Have you ever wondered why people say that? It’s a bit cliche, but also powerfully meaningful. When I hear the word faith I automatically think about my belief. Primarily my belief in the ways, person, and spirit of God or lack thereof. We think our faith weak because we don’t fully comprehend or believe God will accomplish what we ask or what he claims he will do. On the flip side,…

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Reflections & Ponderings Spiritual Formation

Three Tales of Forgiveness

Forgiveness implies sacrifice, humility, and healing. It is lavish and holds nothing back. Two weeks ago I shared why I believe sharing forgiveness is a true sign of Christ living in us. Today I want to share three stories from the Bible that expressly show how God desires us to hold nothing back when it comes to offering forgiveness. He desires us all to live a freely forgiven life without guilt, worry, or shame. A Brother…

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Reflections & Ponderings Spiritual Formation

How can I forgive ___________?

You can fill in the blank. I had intended to share three stories defining the nature of forgiveness from the Bible, but in light of yesterday’s school shooting, I feel it can wait until next time. I find it no coincidence that I have been struggling to understand forgiveness, reading a book on compassion, and then yet another tragedy happens where forgiveness and compassion are central to processing these events. God speaks even in our…

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