Discernment Seasonal Devotions

Garden Variety Discernment

Next week starts Lent with Ash Wednesday, a season of rending our hearts to God’s. It is a perfect time to consider Christ’s discernment on the way to the cross and the importance of prayer.

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Discernment Spiritual Formation

Discerning Among the Vines and the Branches

Wondering what God wills for your life? Wonder why it’s so hard to discern? These are questions I’m scratching through myself in hopes of learning more about discernment. I’m not content with thinking God is merely an eight ball; I shake, he answers. Will you wonder with me?

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Spiritual Formation

Getting Lost in Jesus

Dear friends, this week I’d like to invite you to read my story featured on the Joyful Life Blog. It’s about losing track of time with our best friend, Jesus. As an almost-40-year-old, I hate to admit that I am still scared of the dark. As a child, every night my sister and I huddled together in my twin bed to protect ourselves from roaming roaches. I recall pulling the covers tightly around my neck…

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Discernment Epiphany-tide Spiritual Formation

Epiphany: In Darkness

Discernment Spiritual Formation

A Voice to Be Heard