Advent & Christmas-tide Seasonal Devotions

Advent: A Message of Hope

The season of Advent is by far my favorite time of year. It’s not the arrival of Christmas music, parties or gift exchanges, but the richness that unfolds through the holistic story of God making His way to us in the midst of our sin and darkness that makes this season so special. Advent is a season of preparing for the gift of God’s love story fulfilled and it will never be cliche. Each week…

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Prayer Life Spiritual Formation The Pilgrim Life

Let’s BE in Solitude

Solitude is BE-ing with God The gem I’m hoping to gain out of solitude isn’t stepping out of my daily life, but deeper communion with God. We’ve practiced breath prayers to create a habit of calling out to God. We’ve made space for silence to still the noise in our lives in order to hear God, now we will go away into the solitude of a quiet and seemingly lonely space to talk, listen, and…

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Prayer Life Spiritual Formation

Shhh…Let’s practice Silence

Week 2: Making space for silence in your life For the first few weeks back in the United States after living in China, I’d lay awake with my eyes wide open unable to settle. When the morning came I’d struggle to rustle out of bed. You may be thinking it must have been jet lag, or because I didn’t sleep till late. Truth be told, it was just too quiet. Too still.  The night sounds…

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Reflections & Ponderings Spiritual Formation

Culture Shift through Mindfulness of Others

Creating a culture shift is like moving a boulder by hand–nearly impossible. Though Jesus’ teachings were subtle, they were poignantly a force of nature changing culture toward the inclusiveness of all peoples to attain salvation. Re-Read Matthew 15: 21-28 Remember the passage of the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15. The one who cried out before God on behalf of her daughter. Not only does it reveal how God guides us in prayer toward his intentionality,…

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Devotionals Spiritual Formation

To be Named is to be Loved

“—to be given a name is an act of intimacy as powerful as any act of love.” Madeleine L’engle, Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith & Art.  When we found out we were pregnant with our first child we immediately began scouring baby name books. Knowing we were having a boy narrowed down the process but didn’t lessen the pressure. We knew nothing about our little bundle of life to come, yet had to choose…

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