Advent & Christmas-tide Seasonal Devotions

Advent: Good News of Great JOY

The season of Advent is by far my favorite time of year. It’s not the arrival of Christmas music, parties or gift exchanges, but the richness that unfolds through the holistic story of God making His way to us in the midst of our sin and darkness that makes this season so special. Advent is a season of preparing for the gift of God’s love story fulfilled and it will never be cliche. Each week I will share a specific scripture, a song, and reflection to help us draw us near to God in this season of anticipation. I hope you will join with me by making space this Advent to engage in God’s love story written for us all and brought to life through the birth of Christ.  

Week 3: A Proclamation of Great Joy

How can we have joy in the midst of waiting? I’ve been in seasons of life where waiting seemed to suck out any possibilities of joy. When we were in the midst of adopting our daughter, each task we completed made us feel we were getting closer to meeting her, but our response from the agency was, “Wait just a bit more.”  The bits turned into months of more waiting. This type of waiting, when we are so eager for a result, can be frustrating and discouraging. This is the same sense of waiting in the season of Advent. A feeling of being so near to your heart’s desire, yet still in wanting.

What have you been waiting for in your life? Perhaps you’ve been waiting for weeks, months, years over something in your life and you need God to burst forth with a proclamation of Joy? Or perhaps you find yourself feeling as if your life is mundane and lacking purpose.

We are not yet to Christmas, but this week’s Advent story is a proclamation of Joy. 

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10 (NASB)

The shepherds were an unsuspecting people. As part of the Israelite community, they were in waiting for their savior, but they also were simply living their normal non-eventful life of caring for sheep.  Laying among the sheep at dusk, going about their ordinary job, when an Angel burst out of the darkness, likely blinding them like headlights on a dark road, and began to speak. Rightfully frightened out of their being, the shepherds needed to be calmed. Whether the message of the Angel soothed their shaken nerves or not, they, of all people, lowly and seemingly insignificant, were the first to hear this proclamation of joy. God’s Advent story continually reveals how He loves to use the ordinary to do His extraordinary works of redemption. This tells us of his attentiveness to all peoples, His rightful place as King in that He doesn’t need to prove his power or rule, and His great humility as a servant King.

Out of the ordinary, comes a triumphant multitude of Angels with a message of Good News of Great Joy; the birth of Christ, Immanuel, a fulfillment of prophecy, the long-awaited rescuer, Savior of the World– an end to their waiting.


Take a moment to imagine yourself as a shepherd in the fields at night among the baa-ing sheep. Listen to this song, Joy to the World, by Isaac Watts. (Click here to listen.)

Now consider your daily routine. How would you have responded to this site, these emotions, this message had it been revealed to you as you sat at your office desk, were driving to the grocery store, in the middle of a staff meeting or watching tv? Would this message have brought you joy? Why or why not?

The gift of Great Joy proclaimed that night by the Angels was not only for the shepherds. This Joy is still proclaimed today for all peoples. It does not discriminate or come with limits. It should indeed give us pause to rejoice for it is shocking that God himself would become a weak and frail baby and live a lowly human existence because of his Great Love for His creation. This long-awaited baby is our Great Joy for He is God and He is our only Hope for Peace, Love, and Salvation. The proclamation of Joy is the end of our waiting. 

As we continue in the advent season remember what great Joy God’s proclaimed to you throughout the year. If you are still lying in wait for something, how can you turn your sorrow and frustrations toward an anticipation for future joy? God has not forgotten you in your waiting. He’s faithful to fulfill his promises. Can you trust that a proclamation of Joy is yet to come?


Read the story of Christ’s birth in Luke 2: 1-20. (Click here to read online.)*

  1. Who do you identify yourself within this story? 
  2. Do you notice the anticipation of the shepherds as they hurry to Jesus. How would you run to Christ if you had the opportunity to meet Him?
  3. We are told Mary holds the treasures of Christ’s birth in her heart to ponder. What do you think she pondered about? What treasure of the Nativity story do you hold dear in your heart?
  4. The shepherds returned to give God praise. What should you give God praise for that He’s revealed to you this year?
  5. Meditate on what the words Great Joy might mean to you, what they mean to God and what they can mean for others.

Are you in a season of waiting?

Share with us how we can pray for you to experience Joy this Advent.

*Note: The songs were chosen for their lyrics and meaning. I felt by adding a link to view them online would be a helpful tool for reflection. There was no preference in style or artist for the rendition of the song. You are welcome to view the songs in any format you choose.